Thursday, July 24, 2008

They Just Want To Get To Know You

As I write this, my life in being tracked, monitored, recorded, logged. Every key stroke, every click. When I'm on the phone, they know. When I'm on the net, they know. When I buy beer (only on the weekend, of course..) they know. My calls at work - recorded. My behavior at work - documented.

"We were listening through you call log from 9:05 a.m. you were speaking to Mr. Bains and said something slightly inappropriate."

Anyone else get this? Are you reading me? Over?

This is not exaggeration. I deal with incidents like this. We live in a frightening, yet wonderful time. We are at a critical juncuture in human history.

Possibilities. They are seemingly becoming endless for us, the modern human race. I remember when I was young science fiction fascinated me. The possibilities for the future fascinated me. And as the years passed on, science fiction became science. The internet, cell phones, insanely fast computers, clones, robots..the list goes on and on. So far in my life I have seen an exponential growth in technology, much like those who witnessed the first airplanes, the first cars must have seen.

It all seems to have come too fast. We are being conditioned. Slaved out.

The push to have everyone (at least in the "civilized" world) "connected" has been suspicious for a few years to me now. Cell phone penetration is an estimated 92% in the United States, 95% in Britain. Is this partly due to underdeveloped land lines? Of course it is, in part. But is there something more sinister at work here..why such an explosion in use...?

In Canada, our cell phone penetration is 65%. That is as far as the telecom companies here have been able to crack. The rates are high and service sucks up here. It's that simple. And then out of that remaining 35%, you most likely have those that will never, ever, get a cell phone. No matter what. No need for it. I envy them.

I hope it's just me. I really do. I should have looked into it before writing this, but I would like to know how much cell phone prices and rate plan prices dropped after 9/11. Don't know why, but I have this gut feeling that there were HUGE price declines and nice perks for signing up. It'd be nice to have commercials from back then..because the commcercials (especially American broadcasts) push phones HEAVILY today. I mean heavy. Almost as much as prescription drugs.

Granted, that could be attributed to the technology being more readily available, unless the price cuts were instantly HUGE. Then that smells fishy..

Not everything is a cover-up, conspiracy, or diabolical plot for world control. I do not think as such. However, I am logical. And reasonable. And I know that if I was in a position of power, I too would seek the most covert and slick ways of controlling the population. Totalitarianism by consent. Welcome to the technocracy.

Your veins are as much organic as they are fiber optic. The electronic world and the organic world are symbiotic.

We are slaves. Accept it. Raio frequencies, microprocessors, and circuits run your life. You think you have control. It's an illusion of control. The system tells you when you can pay a bill, watch a video on youtube, or talk to your lover. With the flick of a switch it can be shut off. You can be shut off. No bank. No net. No phone. Nothing. It's all ran from outside your surroundings, by people BIGGER and A LOT MORE IMPORTANT than you. At least, that is how they see it.

And that's just how I see cell phones...don't get me started on Google..or Facebook. Just know that your are being watched, recorded, documented, and accounted for. Think about that the next time you go on Facebook or talk on your cell phone 65 times a day.

In closing, a story:

"There is this girl I wanted to screw. I wanted to screw her real bad. But I had a problem. I knew what she looked and sounded like. That's all. I wanted to get into her head, I had to to accomplish my goal. I started to, ya know, spy on her a little. Eavesdropped on her conversations with people, found out what she liked to do. My buddy brought up an interesting point one day though.."

"Why don't you just talk to her, you know, legitimately?"

"No, no. I can't do that. I can't let her know what I am thinking. I can't let her know that I feel this way about her without knowing her first. It'd be awkward! I'll do my research and then hit her with my conincidental hobbies and whatnot!"

"It's more awkward if you stalk her,'ll know about her she is already yours.."

"No, no. I'll be prepared!!! Just in case.."

They just want to get to KNOW YOU

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